Support Groups

Support groups turn your life around wonderfully. In this powerful way people can come together with dignity, compassion and co-operation to lighten the burdens of depression. Typically the results are better information about surviving the situation and profound healing. When you sit down with others who have shared your experience, you feel a sense of comfort and closeness with no professional relationship can match. Over the last 30 years many studies have shown that social isolation releases a flood of stress hormones into the blood that trigger many psychological and physiological changes including feelings of depression, anxiety, increased hart rates, high blood pressure an impaired immune function.

On other hand well developed social networks dam the flood depression, stress hormones minimizing their presence in the blood stream allowing the body to heal more efficiently and cope with stress more effectively.

Beyond Fellowship - Support groups can provide:

Important information about depression.
First hand account of antidepressant medication and side effects.
Self care tips about surviving the depression.

Social groups:

Reduce isolation.
Empower and comfort individuals.
Teach practical coping skills.
Change law and public perceptions.

Usually they are free.

Message - Touch is the only sense, human beings cannot live without. Message decreases blood levels of stress hormones and improve mood. It also increases blood circulation.

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