Causes Of Depression

Causes of Depression

Research has discovered a link to an  imbalance of chemical messengers, also called "Neurotransmitters", that enables brain cells to communicate with each other in the brain and depression.

Heredity appears to play a role in the risk of depression. People who have strong family of depression are more likely to become depressed. People are very pessimistic, have law self esteem and get easily stressed out by their problems also are more likely to become depressed. Often depression is triggered by stressful events such as death of a loved one, Failure in school or financial problems. It also may occur for no apparent reason, when everything in life seems to be running smoothly.

Biochemical changes in the brain, family history, personality and the stresses of life, all are significant in the development of depression. Exactly how these causes interact is not known. Depression is an illness that can happen to any one at any time in life.

How Long Does Depression Last ?

A depression can last - weeks, months, years or a lifetime. Some people have a brief depression, recover and the problem never returns. Other have doubts of major depression throughout their lives. And some people never recover from from a mild depression. The sooner depression is diagnosed and treated, the better. Left unrated, a mild episode of depression can progress into a major depression; a few bothersome symptoms can grow into a disabling condition. Above all unrated depression destroys the quality of life. As many persons do not take medicines instead of being diagnosed depressed by psychiatrist or leave medicines in between this is very harmful practice because the disabling mood of depression can damage a persons marriage, family relationship, friendship, job performance and health.

The longer a depression is allowed to continue the more the damage is spread. Most threatening is the connection between depression and suicide. It is estimated that 15 percent of all US people who have a major depression will take their own lives. Prompt treatment and continuing support for a person with depression can mean the difference between life and death.

Depression In Children And Teenagers In US

We often think of child hood as a happy carefree time of life, some of us may mistakenly considered children and teenagers to be immune to depression. Depression in children and teenagers is common. A child or teenager may not understand his or her own feelings of depression or know the words to express those feelings, but it will shown in their expression, body language and behaviour.

Besides of general list of symptoms of depression, consider also these warnings signs of depression in a child or teenager.

Frequently report of feeling sad, bored or sick.
Is not cheered by happy events or fun activities.
Has trouble in schools or with friends.
Has sleep problems or frequent nightmares.
Is usually irritable.
Does badly in studies.
Begins using drugs or alcohol.
Talk about death or about hurting him or herself.
Walks with heavy legs or reports having no energy.
Frequently refuses to go to school or cut classes.
Feel guilty for no reason.

If more than 2 symptoms from above list are observed for more than 2 weeks a parent should talk to child or teenager about his or her feelings and seek professional help.

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